Make a contribution to one of the following societies and your name will be recognized on the Wall of Recognition at the Shirley & Barton Weisman Delray Community Center.

Friends of JFS

Annual contribution of $500 payable over one year for individuals 50 years of age and under.

Supporters of JFS

Annual contribution of $1800

Leadership Circle of JFS

Annual Contribution of $5000

Chai Society

$18,000 Pledge ($3600 annually payable up to 5 Years)

Visionary Society

The JFS Visionary Society recognizes those individuals who have established a planned gift in their estate plans with us. Members of the society will have a permanent place of recognition on the Visionary Society Wall of Recognition at the Shirley & Barton Weisman Delray Community Center.

Naming Opportunities

There are many naming opportunities still available starting at the $10,000 level of giving.

Donate Today

Make a meaningful gift to help Rales JFS continue to support our community family together. Find the right donation option for you and your family.