As seniors grow older, their day-to-day needs increase. Chores that used to be simple for them to perform can often be quite challenging. JFS, and its dedicated team of volunteers, are committed to getting seniors the help they need.

June 1st marks the start of Hurricane Season and JFS will be opening up their storm registration for older adults living in the community who are not currently agency clients. JFS encourages older adults who live alone and have no family nearby register with the agency so that we can check in on them before and after a major weather event and connecting them with services as needed. This program is designed for seniors who DO NOT currently receive services from JFS, as JFS clients are already part of our storm response. If you would like for JFS to give you a courtesy call to check in on you before and after a storm, please fill out and submit this form.

(Contact 911 in case of an immediate emergency)