Debbie & Howard Belford

Ruth & Norman Rales Jewish Family Services recognizes Debbie & Howard Belford as the June 2024 Donor of the Month for her generous support of Rales JFS!
Shortly after moving to South Florida in 1997, Debbie Belford discovered Rales JFS while exploring options for philanthropic involvement. The agency’s extensive community outreach and dedication to enriching lives, from children to seniors, deeply inspired her. The comprehensive array of programs and services provided by Rales JFS also resonated with Debbie and she became a strong advocate for their efforts, particularly their support for seniors and Holocaust survivors who have faced unimaginable challenges. Programs like the Passover Seder and Café Europa offer socialization and opportunities for attendees to connect with their peers, fostering personal connections that are truly life changing. Additionally, the Jacobson Family Food Pantry plays a crucial role in addressing food insecurity, with weekly deliveries that many clients depend on. The appreciation for the volunteers, who deliver these meals and often form meaningful bonds with the clients, add a personal touch.
Witnessing the generosity of others in our community motivated Debbie to make a planned gift to Rales JFS. It is vital to identify needs and create plans to address them. She and her husband Howard, inspired by conversations with Danielle, decided to support the Volunteer Program. Having volunteered for non-profits for years, I understand the critical role volunteers play in the success of the agencies they serve. By supporting volunteer programming, we have been able to train and support dedicated volunteers who are essential to the success of Rales JFS’ community outreach initiatives.
Debbie shared, “Looking ahead, I hope to enhance volunteer engagement by offering tokens of appreciation during National Volunteer Week, expanding training classes, and increasing the marketing and publicity of volunteer opportunities. Volunteers are an integral part of the JFS family, dedicating their time and talents to those who rely on the agency’s assistance. By increasing the number and commitment of our volunteers, we can further enhance our programming and better serve the community. I aim to lead by example, inspiring others to find their passion and live by the principles of Tikkun Olam—through acts of kindness that bring happiness to others.”
“Howard and I are privileged to support Rales Jewish Family Services and their Volunteer Services Department. We are heartened by the incredible impact JFS has on our local community and consider it an honor to contribute to their mission.” Debbie and Howard feel that volunteer support is essential to the success of any agency, and there are many ways to be involved, whether through financial commitment or personal time. “We find great gratification in our support and hope others will too.”
On a personal note, Debbie’s passion is her family. With three children and six grandchildren, they cherish sharing our journey with them. They consider themselves blessed to live in a beautiful community, surrounded by incredible friends, and enjoy the time we spend together.
In honoring the Belford’s as our Donors of the Month, we celebrate not only their generosity but also their commitment to building a stronger, more connected community. Through their support and advocacy, the Belford’s exemplify the impact of individual contributions creating a brighter future for us all.
The mission of Ruth & Norman Rales Jewish Family Services (Rales JFS) is to support anyone in South Palm Beach County who needs help, regardless of age or background. Our comprehensive programs strengthen, protect, and empower, with care and compassion. If you would like to support Rales JFS through a planned or outright gift, please contact (561) 852-3333 or visit